Fresh Capitol Dock

“Working with Maria on my various stores and my newest flagship Capitol Dock, I have found a great design partner. Combining her experience with function and creativity, she just gets retail.” – Noel Smith


CAD Drawings

3D Rendering

Design Management

Concept to Clients

We begin each project by researching how both the staff and customers will use the retail area in order to develop creative solutions that allow us to explore new ways to put people at the centre of the experience.

Rendering to Reality

With one eye firmly on the future, we work closely with our trusted group of contractors to ensure that your project progresses in the most cost effective manner possible. We use our creative expertise to maximise the potential of your space while managing the practical requirements of your business, such as building regulations and compliance etc.

Finishing Touches

Years of experience allows us to quickly see the potential of your space. We source everything from workshops around the world and use our relationships with our tradesmen, shopfitters and builders to open up new possibilities. We put the emphasis on clear, open communication with everyone involved in the project to ensure success, which allows us to take our designs to the next level.

Noel – Fresh Capitol Dock

She just gets retail...

“I have worked with Maria on my various stores and my newest flagship Capitol Dock. In Maria O’Neill Design I have found a great design partner, combining her experience with function and creativity.”

The Brief

We were approached by Noel and asked to put a proposal together of ideas on how the next Fresh store should look. Our role was to communicate the Fresh ‘brand magic’ they are famous for and create it within the new store concept.

We examined how the staff and equipment in existing stores work and use the space as well as their customers. Back of house is as important as the front retail space. Using these insights we developed our creative concepts.

Our drawings were combined with the appointed architects for all compliance on fire/planning and disability. Shop fitters, fridge companies, catering companies, builders, electricians and lighting companies were all appointed to start.

Continuous site meetings took place throughout the fit out, in order to understand the space, marking out partitions and forming work areas. The highlights of the project were designing the mosaic floor, the furniture, the bespoke lighting features and original glazed screens helped create a new DNA for the Fresh store.

What we did

– Concept proposals and drawings 
– Operational staff insights 
– Staff work flows 
– Customer workflows- spacial awareness
– Mood boards on finishes 
– Bespoke design items
– Site meetings 
– Cad drawings 
– 3D renderings 
– Design Management 

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